Moeen Abuzaid

Moeen Abuzaid

Chef & Owner, Arbequina Restaurant

Chef Moeen Abuzaid, a pioneer of elevated Levantine cuisine, proudly hails from  Amman, Jordan, where his early life near the Al-Wehdat refugee camp sparked his  culinary passion. In 2009, with only a few words of English, he took a leap to New York  City—the global epicenter of culinary innovation—immersing himself in its vibrant food  scene, learning and collaborating with world-renowned chefs. His transformative years  in NYC, including the launch of his acclaimed pop-up “The Broken English,” redefined  traditional flavors through inventive international techniques. Now based in Toronto’s  Roncesvalles neighbourhood with Arbequina Restaurant, Chef Moeen continues to  honor his Middle Eastern roots while curating immersive culinary explorations inspired  by the region’s rich landscape and vibrant flavors.

All Sessions by Moeen Abuzaid